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Fundamentals of JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript (5:55)
Script Tags (13:02)
Boxes (7:56)
Console (7:56)
Variables (13:16)
Undefined, typeof, NaN (9:15)
Concatination (5:59)
Comparison Operators (5:12)
Logical Operators (6:58)
Mathematical Operators (10:01)
Commenting (5:39)
Intermediate JavaScript
Arrays (12:45)
Array Prototype (3:45)
Looping Over Arrays (5:56)
Introduction to Objects (8:04)
Creating an Object (9:26)
Dates and Times (3:58)
Intervals (10:41)
Countdown: Example Application (19:21)
Callbacks (10:13)
Callback in Countdown (3:14)
Working with JavaScript Elements
DOM Elements (13:43)
Query Selector (15:48)
Event Handlers (13:24)
Input Fields (7:43)
Creating Elements (7:02)
Styling Elements (10:23)
Bonus JavaScript Tips
Linting (11:39)
Minification (5:56)
Array Prototype
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