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Successful Meditation
Successful Meditation : Introduction to the course
Introduction & Overview (3:46)
Course Outline (3:11)
Benefits of Meditation (4:05)
Testimonials (1:23)
Warning! Action Is Required! (1:45)
Potential Hurdles (2:24)
My Mission & Philosophy (10:41)
Reflection & Enquiry (4:30)
Action Steps (1:53)
10 Minute Meditation - Establishing The Baseline
Introduction & Overview To "Establishing The Baseline" (3:36)
Metaphor #1 - Calm As A Clear Pool Of Water (3:11)
Metaphor #2 - Pedestrian Crossing In Shibuya (5:39)
Barely Guided" Meditation Intro (2:08)
"Barely Guided" Meditation (10:00)
Seek & Destroy Thoughts (5:22)
Metaphor #3 - The Clear Blue Skies Out Yonder (3:13)
Action Steps (1:06)
The Big Picture - Identifying The Vedic Frameworks
Introduction & Overview (3:48)
The Mind Is Naturally Calm (5:18)
Meditation Is A Fine Art (3:52)
Understanding The Inner Goal (4:13)
Sanskrit Words And Terminology
Identifying Vedic Frameworks; "The Mind", Reincarnation and Karma & Dharma (7:39)
Karma & Dharma (10:21)
The Yoga Sūtras (5:40)
Aṣṭāṅga Yoga (8:38)
Reflections & Enquiry (3:39)
"Power Dump" Worksheet (PDF)
Action Steps (1:16)
Setting Up Your Meditation Space - Physical & Mental Comfort And The 5 Elements
Introduction & Overview (2:40)
The 5 Elements & Your Meditation Space (7:57)
Physical Comfort (2:15)
Physical Comfort - Mats & Cushions (1:13)
Helpful Amazon Product Web Links (PDF)
Ideal Meditation Posture (3:45)
Ritual - Your Sacred Movements (3:02)
Elevating Habit (2:24)
Action Steps (1:23)
Guided Meditations And Visualizations
Introduction & Overview (3:46)
"Goals For Meditation Practice" Worksheet (PDF)
Preparation For Meditation (3:42)
Noticing #1 (10:00)
Noticing #2 (10:00)
"Meditation Reflections" Worksheet (PDF)
Action Steps - Guided Meditations Require Continued Practice (1:19)
Resources & Supplementary Materials - Suggested Books, Worksheets, Vocabulary
Suggested Books To Deepen Studies (9:32)
Sanskrit-English Vocabulary - 123 Sanskrit Words & Definitions (PDF)
[TRANSCRIPT] Section 1
[TRANSCRIPT] Section 2
[TRANSCRIPT] Section 3
[MP3] Supplementary Audio Resources
[MP3] Introduction To This Course
[MP3] Establishing The Baseline
[MP3] Identifying Vedic Frameworks
[MP3] Establishing Your Meditation Space
[MP3] Guided Meditations & Visualizations
[MP3] Resources To Deepen Learning
[MP3] Conclusion & Next Steps
Conclusion & Next Steps
Successful Meditation - Conclusion (3:44)
Action Steps - Conclusion & Next Steps (2:44)
Metaphor #3 - The Clear Blue Skies Out Yonder
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