
Unlimited Course Access
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It’s about time you bring something new to the table. You know you should upgrade your skills but you never seem to have the time to do anything else besides work.

The thought of having to be in class at a certain time and place is absolutely daunting.

What if you had the possibility to learn anything, anytime, anywhere?

Through the Stone River Unlimited Course Access Subscription now you can! It’s that good and it’s true.

You’ll get full access to our entire catalog of 800+ (and counting) technology, programming, and digital design courses. Get a step ahead of the competition, land that dream job, up your skill level and make more money; all for a small monthly investment.

No matter if you need coding, design or development in your career or as a hobby, this subscription is exactly what you need.

1,200,000 students have already enrolled in our courses. Every one of them has gained better job prospects, a chance to improve their salary and lifestyle, and most importantly a belief that they can do it, and do it well.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Here’s why this unlimited subscription is the best value for money around:

You will get a free certificate for each course you complete.

Your Unlimited Course Access Subscription is just that; unlimited. That means any new, hot topics we release (like Big Data, mobile development or JavaScript) will be automatically added to your account. So you can future-proof your skills without any extra cost, and remain at the cutting edge of your chosen field.

Your subscription comes with a 30-day, no-risk, money back guarantee. If you’re not happy with what you’ve learned after the first month, you can cancel your subscription and receive a full refund, no questions asked. But we’re willing to bet you’ll stick with us.

Forget about endless hours of Googling and reading through blog posts or watching unorganized tutorials.

Forget about handing out your personal details left right and center so these sites can sell you stuff instead of teaching you what you need to know.

Instead, picture an expert instructor ready and waiting to teach you up to date, relevant, and practical skills - without the sales pitch. Start getting the skills you want, today, while going at your own pace. Use these skills to your advantage right now.

That's what you get with the Stone River eLearning Unlimited Course Access Subscription. Save time, save money, become a leader and win that dream career.

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801 Course Bundle
Python Libraries Bundle
Learn five popular Python libraries

Scraping data from webpages can be a tedious job. But it doesn’t have to be.With Scrapy, you can scrape using XPath or CSS. With the large number of examples from both techniques, you’re sure to find a solution that fits for you.Whether your targeting data on a single page or multiple, Scrapy can handle the job. No matter if the data is within a list, you can scrape specific patterns right out of the list. Building up your specific Scrapy job isn't a difficult task.Scrapy is a Python library. If you're familiar with Python, XPath or CSS, you'll feel right at home using Scrapy.

Computational computing can be a complex topic. How to perform various mathematical functions in code isn't straight forward. With Python's Scipy library, we'll walk through a number of examples showing exactly how to create and execute complex computational computing functions. The course starts with an explanation of what Scipy is. Then we see how to install it. From there, we get into simple mathematical computations and and move into more advanced computations. The last few lessons demonstrate the full capabilities of Scipy.Scipy is for those that need to perform rigorous, complex computations and not have the program bog down computing them. If you're ready to see how to create even the most complex mathematical functions in code, this course is for you.

At the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of Numpy' s features and when to use them. Numpy is mainly used in matrix computing. We'll do a number of examples specific to matrix computing, which will allow you to see the various scenarios in which Numpy is helpful. There are a few computational computing libraries available for Python. It's important to know when to choose one over the other. Through rigorous exercises, you'll experience where Numpy is powerful and develop and understanding of the scenarios in which Numpy is most useful.You'll also know how to install Numpy.

Coding Python from the command line isn't a fun experience when you begin getting into longer form code. The command line simply isn't designed for that. That's where iPython comes in. At the end of this course, you'll have a thorough understanding of iPython. I'm guessing it will even become your goto Python editor. You'll also know the differences between iPython and Jupyter. Through a number of examples with various scenarios, you'll develop an understanding of how iPython is an extremely efficient Python editor for long form code compared to the command line. You'll know how to enter in code, markdown for comments and rearrange/edit code as needed.

BeautifulSoup is a popular Python library for extracting data from HTML or live pages. It isn't limited to a single webpage. You can extract data from multiple webpages. In fact, one of the examples we use does just that. Knowing how to find data within the HTML tree is key to getting targeted data. This course will show you how to identify that data within the HTML tree. Then you'll build a parsing rule to extract it using BeautifulSoup. With a number of examples to ensure you know exactly how to find data, build parsing rules and the needed code to execute the extract, you'll walk away from this course feeling confident in your abilities to retrieve data from webpages.

Stone River eLearning
Become a Professional Python Programmer Bundle
You can do anything with Python

Python programming is one of the most demanded skill sets in today's job market, and for good reason. Python allows you to do just about anything you can think of; web development, data analytics, game development - even controlling robots!

This Python Programming Professional Bundle is designed to get you up to speed with all the major Python skills you need right now. Learn on your own time and at your own pace, just be sure to learn this stuff.

What Can You Learn?

Python Programming for Beginners: If your knowledge of Python and programming is limited – or even non-existent – then this course is the perfect starting point for you. You'll be guided through the installation process and the various features and functions of Python, and then you'll put your knew found knowledge to practical use by solving 'real life' programming problems. Ideal for both programming beginners or experienced programmers new to Python.

Python Web Programming: Python is one of the most concise and easily understood programming languages out there, and one of its most popular applications is the web. This is the definitive python web programming course, designed for programmers, web developers, app creators, and anyone who wants to become 'code literate'. Not only will you acquire an in-depth understanding of the programming language and its application for the web, you'll get hands-on experience building programs too.

Python Game Development: Create a Flappy Bird Clone: As well as web development, data visualisation and analysis, and a host of other applications, Python is a programming language perfectly suited to game development. With this course, you'll learn the easy way. Rather than working through hours of lectures and exercises, you'll literally create a game as you go. Who said picking up new skills can't be fun?

Data Visualisation with Python and Matplotlib: Companies are finally waking up to the benefits that big data and data analysis can have for their business. However, the majority of them lack the know-how to turn this data into something easily understood, readable, and presentable. That's where data visualisation comes in. Using Python in conjunction with Matplotlib, you can create just about any 2D or 3D graphs, bar charts, scatter plots, and more.

Data Analysis with Python and Pandas: Data analysis is one of the most sought-after skills from the biggest companies in the world, and guesses what? Python can be used to do it. Working with Pandas, you'll learn how to import and export data in a wide variety of forms, and organise and manipulate it into whatever way you need. Combined with our Data Visualisation with Python course below, it's all your need to become a genuine data guru.

Learn Python Django from Scratch: If you already have some experience with Python, web development or both, then this is the perfect course to take your expertise to the next level. Working in conjunction with Django you'll create a website from scratch featuring map integration, e-commerce functionality and a host of other complex features. Master this skillset, and you'll be all set to take the web by storm with database-driven yet simple and beautiful sites.

Go Where the Money is

Companies such as Google, Yahoo!, Disney, Nokia, and IBM all use Python. In fact, among programming languages, Python had the largest year-on-year job demand growth — at 19% — as of March 2013. This growth has been increasing ever since. Notably, the overall hiring demand for IT professionals dipped year over year by 5% as of January 2014, except for Python programmers which increased by 8.7%. In New York, Python developers ranked #8 of the most in-demand tech workers, making an average of $106k/year. On the other side of the Atlantic, Python programmers also enjoy a strongly rising demand for their skills .

18 Course Bundle