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Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3
Introduction to the Course
What Is CSS? (7:29)
Understanding CSS (10:06)
How CSS and HTML Work Together (20:14)
CSS and CSS3 Basics
Installing Notepad++ Text Editor (2:32)
Selectors (Part 1/4) (10:39)
Selectors (Part 2/4) (11:31)
Selectors (Part 3/4) (11:00)
Selectors (Part 4/4) (8:37)
Styling Links (Hyperlinks) (13:16)
Widths and Heights (12:43)
Positioning (10:57)
Centering a Container (10:11)
Display Types (12:27)
Hiding an Element (4:40)
Margins and Padding (13:43)
Overflow (8:31)
Element Stack Order (z-index) (7:31)
Cursors (7:30)
Box Sizing (7:41)
Color (10:45)
Font Basics (13:43)
Floats (17:26)
Forcing Uppercase, Lowercase and Capitalisation (5:38)
Text Alignment (6:30)
Clearfix (6:45)
Text Indenting (11:16)
Backgrounds (12:28)
Multiple Background Images (8:59)
Background Size (5:56)
Border Images (9:42)
Borders (11:01)
Who Is Stone River eLearning? (1:15)
Your First CSS Projects
Build a Website (Part 1/3) (11:19)
Build a Website (Part 2/3) (14:13)
Build a Website (Part 3/3) (14:10)
Pure CSS Drop-Down Menu (14:34)
Dropdown List Menu (Part 1/2) (9:41)
Dropdown List Menu (Part 2/2) (11:49)
Intermediate CSS and CSS3
Horizontal Menu (Part 1/2) (12:42)
Horizontal Menu (Part 2/2) (13:38)
Vertical Menu (12:01)
Display Property (8:09)
Creating a Button (11:06)
Floating Elements (17:01)
Styling Headers (8:56)
Clearfix (For Clearing Floats) (13:24)
Styling Unordered Lists (9:13)
Advanced CSS and CSS3
Opacity (6:17)
Sprites (14:33)
Dashed Link Underline (6:55)
Element Shadows (Box Shadow) (7:22)
Rounded Borders (11:47)
Before and After Pseudo Elements (13:48)
Text Shadows (10:37)
Image Overlay Effect (Part 1/2) (9:31)
Image Overlay Effect (Part 2/2) (11:34)
2D Transformations
2D Transformations (Part 1/4) (3:29)
2D Transformations (Part 2/4) (11:28)
2D Transformations (Part 3/4) (9:28)
2D Transformations (Part 4/4) (5:35)
Fun Advanced Topics
Styling Tables (Part 1/2) (13:38)
Styling Tables (Part 2/2) (10:44)
Styling Form Elements (Part 1/2) (11:37)
Styling Form Elements (Part 2/2) (6:59)
Slide Out Navigation Part 1 (12:50)
Slide Out Navigation Part 2 (5:51)
Quick & Easy CSS Triangles (3:30)
Buttons (18:31)
Progress Bar (12:52)
Creating a 3D Cube with CSS3 (18:53)
Create a CSS3 Avatar/Profile Picture Effect (3:49)
Pure CSS Video Play Button (11:34)
CSS Headline Background Effect (12:23)
CSS Speech Bubble Comment Effect (13:20)
CSS Icon Fonts (10:43)
CSS Comment List (17:09)
Perfectly Aligned Navigation with CSS (10:10)
Course Conclusion
CSS Basics Reference Manual
Selectors (Part 4/4)
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