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Fundamentals of MySQL
Introduction to MySQL
What Is MySQL? (6:00)
Installing MySQL (7:27)
Accessing the MySQL Monitor (6:42)
Using PHPmyAdmin (8:55)
The Basics of MySQL
Creating Databases (6:40)
Deleting Databases (4:33)
Creating Tables (7:51)
Listing and Describing Tables (4:38)
Inserting Records (9:42)
Selecting Records (7:05)
Renaming Tables (1:27)
Auto Increment IDs (10:02)
Updating Records (9:11)
Deleting Records (2:10)
Limiting Records (8:27)
Ordering Records (6:39)
Joins (16:12)
Like Clause (7:24)
Counting Records (10:54)
Introduction to MySQL and PHP
Introduction to MySQLi (5:46)
Introduction to PHP Data Objects (5:16)
MySQLi Basics
Getting Connected (8:58)
Basic Queries (5:37)
Getting Results (9:06)
Getting Result Counts (3:43)
Looping Through Results (8:24)
Variables in Queries (8:43)
SQL Injections (16:22)
Escaping Values (6:54)
Prepared Statements (9:45)
Project | Creating a Database Wrapper
Introduction (4:46)
Creating a Test Database (2:05)
Basic Functionalities (18:28)
Adding More Functionalities (21:51)
Project | Building a Contact Form
Introduction (1:43)
Creating the Table (1:07)
Inserting Your Records (6:11)
Outputting the Data (10:54)
Adding More Functionalities
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