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Learn MongoDB From Scratch
1.Introduction to the Course
Welcome to MongoDB made easy! (0:43)
How this will go (7:03)
Our Hands-On Project (1:19)
Setup Our Tools (16:42)
Section Recap (0:38)
2.Set Up Our Project
Section Introduction (0:40)
Import Data with MongoImport (2:46)
Use the Mongo Shell (5:33)
Javascript in the Mongo Shell (1:41)
Section Recap (1:23)
3.Start with Queries and Operations
Section Introduction (1:11)
Retrieve data with .find() (5:42)
Create data with .save() & .insert() (3:13)
Update data with .update() (4:17)
Deleting data with .remove() (2:42)
Display User Data in our App (5:58)
Section Recap (1:00)
4.Model New Entities
Section Introduction (0:49)
Rules for Modeling (3:10)
Simple & Complex Models (2:40)
Modeling ‘Event’ Data (5:52)
Modeling ‘Event Registration’ data (5:42)
Section Recap (0:46)
5.Indexing MongoDB
Section Introduction (0:42)
Indexing in MongoDB (2:00)
Using Indexes (1:26)
Creating Indexes (3:32)
Section Recap (0:49)
6.MongoDB Aggregation Framework
Section Introduction (2:07)
Aggregation Concepts (1:30)
Pipeline Stages & Operators (2:25)
Aggregation in our Project (3:02)
Use our Aggregated Data (5:25)
Section Recap (1:40)
7.Replication & Sharding
Section Introduction (1:25)
What are Replica Sets (2:09)
Automated Failover (1:47)
What is Sharding (1:19)
Rules for Sharding data (3:38)
Section Recap (0:55)
8.Our Web App
Section Introduction (6:07)
Our Project’s State (4:59)
Our app js file (5:14)
Our Aggregate Queries (2:56)
Section Recap (3:27)
9.Course Outro
Section Introduction (3:49)
Learning Objectives _ Project Requirements Review (7:20)
Where to go from here (4:15)
Section Recap (1:05)
Recovering MongoDB in Cloud9 (4:11)
Section Introduction
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