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Ruby On Rails for Beginners
Course Introduction
Course Introduction (3:01)
Ruby on Rails
Section 1 Introduction (0:39)
What is RoR (4:58)
Requirements (2:59)
Installwindows (7:06)
Installmac (9:58)
Sublime Text (3:55)
Sqlite Studio (7:30)
First app (15:02)
Section 1 Conclusion (0:26)
Getting To Know Rails
Section 2 Introduction (2:08)
MVC (11:32)
Command line (11:44)
Rails Guides (2:59)
Creating A Rails App (10:18)
Models and Databases (8:36)
Controllers (9:02)
Views (9:22)
Partial Views (4:13)
Routes (10:48)
Dynamic Data (9:47)
Form Submissions and Resources (16:37)
Scaffolds (12:22)
Styled Website (18:33)
Bootstrap Intro (13:45)
Integrating Bootstrap (9:18)
Section 2 Conclusion (1:30)
Building An Interactive Website
Section 3 Introduction (1:47)
Working With Databases (9:39)
Database Interaction Through The Rails Console (11:19)
Associating A Model To An Existing Table (5:59)
What Are Migrations (6:55)
Seeding (3:49)
Retrieving Data By Id (14:36)
Section 3 Conclusion (0:39)
Course Project
Course Project Instructions (4:49)
Course Project Solution (6:26)
Course Conclusion
Course Conclusion (2:44)
Creating A Rails App
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