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Data Visualization with Python and Matplotlib
Course Introduction
Introduction (3:01)
Getting Matplotlib And Setting Up (5:46)
Different types of basic Matplotlib charts
Section Introduction (1:18)
Basic matplotlib graph (8:14)
Labels, titles and window buttons (8:41)
Legends (4:58)
Bar Charts (5:14)
Histograms (6:50)
Scatter Plots (6:50)
Stack Plots (8:42)
Pie Chart (7:12)
Loading data from a CSV (5:07)
Loading data with NumPy (4:52)
Section Conclusion (0:50)
Basic Customization Options
Section Introduction (1:17)
Source for our Data* (9:59)
Parsing stock prices from the internet* (9:17)
Plotting basic stock data* (6:10)
Modifying labels and adding a grid* (6:14)
Converting from unix time and adjusting subplots* (8:00)
Customizing ticks* (5:55)
Fills and Alpha* (6:49)
Add, remove, and customize spines* (8:07)
Candlestick OHLC charts* (9:47)
Styles with Matplotlib* (7:35)
Creating our own Style* (9:27)
Live Graphs* (8:51)
Adding and placing text* (6:12)
Annotating a specific plot* (8:34)
Dynamic annotation of last price* (8:22)
Section Conclusion (1:44)
Advanced Customization Options
Section Introduction (1:00)
Basic suplot additions* (8:31)
Subplot2grid * (8:05)
Incorporating changes to candlestick graph* (7:24)
Creating moving averages with our data* (10:01)
Adding a High minus Low indicator to graph* (5:33)
Customizing the dates that show* (10:18)
Label and Tick customizations* (7:52)
Share X axis* (7:20)
Multi Y axis* (10:06)
Customizing Legends* (9:41)
Section Conclusion (1:21)
Geographical Plotting with Basemap
Section Introduction (1:19)
Downloading and installing Basemap (6:22)
Basic basemap example (9:29)
Customizing the projection (9:01)
More customization, like colors, fills, and forms of boundaries (6:50)
Plotting Coordinates* (9:45)
Connecting Coordinates* (7:17)
Section Conclusion (0:58)
3D graphing
Section Introduction (1:25)
Basic 3D graph example using wire_frame (5:53)
3D scatter plots (5:18)
3D Bar Charts (7:16)
More advanced Wireframe example (5:04)
Section Conclusion (0:54)
Course Conclusion
Conclusion (3:05)
Adding and placing text*
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