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Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
Course Introduction
Course Introduction (2:24)
IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
What does an IQ test measure? (2:17)
Free IQ test - see if you can beat me (3:17)
What is Mensa? (1:29)
What's next? (1:17)
Intro to EQ - most people don't develop or pay attention to it (3:09)
Self-awareness (3:52)
Self-management (4:16)
Self awareness exercise: What emotions do you experience during the workday? (3:20)
Self-control: Making you do things you avoid doing (7:58)
4 elements of relaxing the mind to steer it from negative emotions (3:59)
3 kinds of empathy (3:10)
How I use empathy in sales (9:05)
Empathy acronym and reinforcement of what we learned (3:24)
Empathy do's and don'ts (3:59)
EQ test (1:10)
The same emotions can have varying outcomes (3:39)
Managing anger (6:30)
Handling dejection (4:42)
Dealing with fear (4:02)
Managing enthusiasm (6:40)
How to apply emotional intelligence (2:12)
Logic, Reasoning and Critical Thinking
Inductive and deductive reasoning (2:37)
Everyday logical fallacies we encounter in conversations (10:22)
More everyday logical fallacies (2:25)
What is wisdom? (10:17)
Memory and Intelligence
Memory and intelligence (6:47)
How philosophy helps (7:55)
Diet and Exercise for Brain Health
Brain health basics (2:34)
Diets: what to eat and drink (3:21)
How to keep your brain sharp long-term (1:29)
Brain and stress (7:50)
How to Be Worldly
How to become more worldly and truly educated, quickly (5:18)
Ideal focus (6:16)
Best state of focus, sometimes referred to as flow (1:51)
The Theory of 7 Intelligences
7 intelligences theory (4:51)
How to Be More Creative
How to be more creative (8:36)
Another way of looking at creativity & the path to breakthroughs (7:03)
Nine dot puzzle exercise and challenge to think creatively (5:14)
Exercise: answer the same question in many ways (5:12)
Exercise: what can you do with a random item? (4:58)
Brain hack to come up with creative solutions (3:34)
Creativity correlation to expertise (3:51)
What is wisdom?
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